Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gigantic Membership Sale!

50% OFF Regular Price!
For the 1st 3 Months 
and Registration FEE is Waived.

Individual  Dental Plus NOW ONLY $7.48 a month For the first 3 months.
Household  Dental Plus  NOW ONLY $9.98 a month For the first 3 months.
Total Health NOW ONLY $19.98 a month For the first 3 months.
Platinum Plus NOW ONLY $25.00 a month For the first 3 months.

Monday 12:01AM CST Sept 20th, 2010
and ends Sunday (11:59pm) Oct 31st 2010

Here is a list of some of my own personal testimonials:

Not only did I save money on my dental visits, today I had to use the Roadside assistance and get towed. I was Fully Covered and it didn't cost me a dime. 


Went to the dentist & just saved on a crown. Only $465.00. Thanks to AmeriPlan. You may want to check it out 


Once again, my car decided to die on me. So of course I needed a tow to my mechanic's shop. Because, I have Roadside Assistance with AmeriPlan, my Tow was FULLY COVERED


Why having a Discount Supplement Plan is so important....

What is upsetting is finding out after... that a friend has gone into the hospital and now can't pay the bills because they didn't have any insurance. This is why having some sort of supplement discount plan, is so important. It is very affordable and there would be less worry. Please, if you do not have any or little insurance; PLEASE take a look at AmeriPlan. You'll be glad you did.